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5-6 Sydney Terrace, Claygate
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01372 464659
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Mon - Fri 930am - 5pm
Sat 9am - 1pm

The use of medicinal plant remedies promotes health and well-being. The modern practice of herbal medicine combines centuries of traditional knowledge with modern clinical knowledge and current evidence-based research.

Herbal medicines involve the prescription of specific combinations of plant seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark, or flowers for medicinal purposes based on an individuals needs.


What Herbal Medicine Can Help:

  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Back Pain
  • Bereavement
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Emotional difficulties
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Gluten related disorders
  • Heartburn
  • IBS
  • Infertility
  • Low energy levels
  • Period pain
  • Menopause
  • Migraines
  • Stress
  • Weight Control


Herbal Medicine Claygate


What to expect:

Herbal medicine is a very powerful form of treatment and has a risk of side effects, therefore it should only be prescribed by a fully qualified Herbalist. Janine Gerhardt has been qualified and practising for our 12 years having attained a degree in Herbal Medicine.

During a consultation a full history is taken. This includes past and present history and medications, nutritional status and lifestyle, sleep, general well-being, including emotional and mental health, plus other associated factors. Using this information Janine will create a bespoke prescription to treat the underlying cause of your complaint.

Herbal treatments involve a holistic health approach that focuses on the individual and aims to stimulate and strengthen the body’s innate healing abilities. Herbal medicine is a complementary healthcare system where no two herbal prescriptions are the same.

Medicinal plant extracts are specifically prescribed for the individual, in order to treat the symptoms as well as the underlying cause of disease.

Herbal medicine has something to offer during all stages of life, from babies to the very elderly.  Although our needs vary throughout life, the herbalist approach is always to work in harmony with the whole body.  

Janine offers a free phone consultation if you want to know more about whether Herbal medicine can help you. Contact the clinic on 01372 464659 to arrange a phone consultation with Janine.

* Herbal tinctures contain a small amount of alcohol to preserve the herbs. Glycerin can sometimes be used as an alternative. Please ask for further details.*


First Visit 1 hour - £75

Follow up visits 30 minutes - £45

(There will be an additional charge for the cost of the medicine)



Our Therapist:

Janine Gerhardt

Janine Gerhardt


Janine qualified with a 2:1 in Herbal Medicine from the University of Westminster in 2008. Janine also completed a diploma in Ecology & Conservation and is passionate in reconnecting people with nature and organises herb walks, talks and workshops.

Mother Earths medicine chest is full of healing herbs of incomparable worth.

Robin Rose Bennet, Herbalist


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