Visit our Location
5-6 Sydney Terrace, Claygate
Give us a Call
01372 464659
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Mon - Fri 930am - 5pm
Sat 9am - 1pm

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is the study of the mechanics of body movements


What It Can Help:

  • Allergy and Intolerances.
  • Digestive complaints.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Stress and anxiety.
  • Anyone feeling sluggish or under the weather.
  • Sleep Disorders.
  • Anyone looking to improve their health but unsure where to start!


Kinesiology Claygate



“I consulted Mike because of extreme fatigue post Covid, and before that had suffered several months of stomach problems. After one visit to Mike my symptoms began to disappear, and now after more than a month I feel better than I’ve felt in years. It really is a transformation for me. Mike has a very special gift. “

H. Thripp

About Kinesiology:

Kinesiology helps get to the root cause and does not just treat symptoms. Kinesiology uses the theory of muscle testing to assess the underlying causes which may be contributing to poor health or pain.
A thorough consultation occurs in your first session including medical history and lifestyle.
You remain fully clothed in a Kinesiology session.

Therapist - Mike Murphy

First appointment 90mins £75
Follow up £60

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