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5-6 Sydney Terrace, Claygate
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01372 464659
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Mon - Fri 930am - 5pm
Sat 9am - 1pm
Kinesiology Claygate, Cobham, Walton on Thames, Epsom, Surbiton

Kinesiology – Finding and fixing your body’s intolerances

By Zoe Ross

Many years ago I visited an Osteopath presenting with acute shoulder pain. I was struggling to sleep as laying on my side caused much discomfort, I was taking painkillers which was unheard of for me and my range of movement became impacted. At aged 26 this was such a shock to me, I had always been active and flexible and bar neck pain on the odd occasion I had never experienced pain like it.
The hugely knowledgeable and experienced Practitioner I visited used an array of techniques and tools to release muscular tension throughout my upper body.
Each time he would take the time to listen to how I had progressed and where I was on my pain journey.
I would get almost immediate relief from the massage, osteopathic adjustments, acupuncture or ultrasound but within days, sometimes a couple of weeks, I tended to revert back.
At one of these appointments the practitioner decided to give me Kinesiology. This is a gentle, non invasive technique that uses muscle testing to gain an insight into the bodies imbalances. These can be caused by physical imbalances or mental/emotional ones.
Muscle testing itself is a hard thing to get your head around, if you’ve never had it done insure you are seeing a qualified practitioner. I can understand why people doubt it, perhaps regarding it as ‘too alternative’ but done right it can be hugely effective at addressing unconscious stresses in our body system.

So, back to my experience…. Lots of test tube labelled with common everyday food types, medicines, supplements etc were selected and I held onto them as my muscles were tested to see if they stayed strong or went ‘weak’ when the practitioner applied any pressure.
It blew my mind! There is no cheating these muscle tests, you try with all your might to keep your arm rigid and locked but if your body indicates an imbalance or intolerance to the specific thing you are holding you cannot control it and the arm ( in this instance ) would go wobbly.
For me personally the outcome was rather surprising as the practitioner strongly suggested I was allergic to the contraceptive pill. I had already contemplated whether it was something I needed to be on, and with some thought I opted to stop taking it. For me it was an easy decision, I was willing to try anything explore new ways.

Within two weeks, the pain in my shoulder had completely disappeared. 14 years on I can gladly say it has not returned. I still see Osteopath’s, Massage therapists, Acupuncturist’s and Craniosacral therapists because those treatments benefit me physically and emotionally now-especially from wear and tear of doing a physical job. Plus I LOVE complementary therapies.

In more recent years the use of Kinesiology has also helped me understand a little about my digestive system and some food types that I should avoid too much of.
Simply put it can be a wondrous treatment.
The said Practitioner who helped me all those years back has recently joined us at The Claygate Clinic, Dr Michael Burt has over 50 years of experience. I personally will be forever grateful to him for Content Flash solutions opening my eyes to Kinesiology. He is a qualified Osteopath, Naturopath, Acupuncturist and Homeopath to name just a few of his certifications.
We are lucky enough to have three Practitioners who use Kinesiology within their treatments.
If you’re struggling with gastrointestinal issues, intolerances, skin conditions, or pain and discomfort that has been previously hard to treat it might be worth booking in.

1 hour Kinesiology £60.
Call 01372 464659


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Reflexology Claygate Clinic

The Theory Of Reflexology

By Claudia Bruen - Reflexologist

Reflexology is a non-invasive complementary health therapy that has been shown to be beneficial in producing deep relaxation and wellbeing. Stress reduction is crucial for enhancing resilience and overall health. Reflexologists use touch to treat patients based on the assumption that specific locations on the feet, lower leg, hands, face, or ears correspond to particular parts of the body.

According to reflexology theory, the feet, hands, ears, and face mirror or reflect the systems and organs of the entire body.

Investigations into this idea in the 1920s led to the creation of the first Western reflexology foot map. Since then, new anatomical regions have been mapped, enabling the application of this model to the hands, ears, and face.

Anyone at any age, including newborns, people needing end-of-life care, and everyone in between, can benefit from reflexology therapy. But occasionally, it might not be appropriate to administer a treatment. The best piece of advice we can give you is to callus first and inquire! Please be advised that getting medical advice should always come first.

If you have any questions about reflexology and whether it might be able to help you please get in touch either by calling the Complementary Health Partnership reception on 01372 464 659 or emailing me using the form below



    Aromatherapy Claygate

    Aromatherapy For Health

    By Lyndell Jane - Aromatherapist

    Aromatherapy is a holistic treatment that uses natural plant extracts (essential oils) to promote health and well-being. This is also called essential oil therapy. Aromatherapy uses aromatic essential oils medicinally to improve the health of the body, mind, and spirit. It enhances both physical and emotional health.
    The massage involves alternating between gentle and firm pressure while using a specific blend of essential oils tailored specifically for you and your body’s needs.
    What’s the difference between an aromatherapy massage and a regular therapeutic massage?

    An aromatherapy massage includes all the benefits of a regular massage, (improved circulation, lymph drainage etc) with the added benefit of a blend of essential oils tailored to your specific needs.

    Massages are typically 30 to 120 minutes long. I recommend at least one hour, if not more. A longer massage releases more of the toxins and tension built up in your muscles and throughout your body. For example, a full body treatment usually takes me 90 minutes on average.

    Aromatherapy is commonly used to treat a wide variety of mental and physical problems from stress and anxiety, to headaches and digestive issues. The essential oils used in this practice trigger messages to be sent to your brain's limbic system, which controls your emotions, memory and how we learn.

    If you have any questions about aromatherapy and whether it might be able to help you please get in touch either by calling the Complementary Health Partnership reception on 01372 464 659 or emailing me using the form below



      Pilates Reformer at Claygate Clinic

      Reformer Pilates

      Pilates Reformer And The Benefits - Ellen


      What is Reformer Pilates?

      Reformer Pilates is Pilates performed on Reformer. One of the most adaptable and effective pieces of exercise equipment available, the Pilates Reformer allows a greater number of exercises than is possible just using a mat. The Pilates Reformer is a low frame, with a sliding platform (or carriage) on which you lie, sit, kneel or stand to perform different routines. The carriage is connected to the frame by a series of springs that can be adjusted to provide more support, and thus make an exercise easier, or to increase resistance and/or instability to increase the difficulty and challenge of the routine.

      10 benefits of Reformer Pilates

      1. It’s a great, highly effective and time-efficient full body workout.

      2. It strengthens the core – the muscles that support the hips, spine and neck - really important for anyone who spends hours a day at a desk, or hunched over a laptop or a screen because it improves spinal alignment and reduces the risk of posture-related pain or injury.

      3. It improves muscle strength, endurance and tone.

      4. It improves posture, flexibility and balance – often lacking in sedentary lifestyles.

      5. It’s helps prevent injury.

      6. It’s mindful and immersive - a valuable time-out from the pressures of work and day-to-day life. It is a great way to reduce anxiety and stress.

      7. It’s low impact, and suitable for people of all ages and abilities.

      8. It’s great for improving strength and control of your Pelvic Floor – one of the most important, but most overlooked and under-trained muscle groups in the body.

      9. By improving your posture, strengthening, toning and lengthening your muscles, you’ll stand taller and look leaner.

      10. You feel and see the benefits fast. As Joseph Pilates said “In 10 sessions, you’ll feel better, in 20 sessions you’ll look better, and in 30 sessions you’ll have a completely new body.”

      If you have any questions about reformer Pilates and whether it might be able to help you please get in touch by calling reception on 01372 464 659.




      Massage at Claygate Clinic

      The Beneficial Effects Of Massage

      By Zoe Ross - Massage Therapist

      Recent research is encouraging a fresh approach on how we view the benefits of massage to the point  that it could become part of a number of prescribed strategies to treat patients within the NHS itself. According to a report by the British Beauty Council produced in early 2021, massage therapy could reduce sick days by 1.76 million. The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy commissioned the Report after the phenomenon was brought to their attention.  Key findings of the Report demonstrate that touch therapy as well as massage can have a significant effect on reducing mental health problems.  Mental ill-health is the single largest cause of disability in the UK, contributing up to 22.8% of the total burden compared to 15.9% for cancer.

      So what are the benefits of massage and how can it support both the body and the mind? First of all, as within the first few minutes your mind will be (and should be) in a state of total relaxation (stress relief), your body is becoming active and in a state of recovery and renewal.  A massage stimulates the nervous system, wakes up your muscles, organs and glands, encourages blood and lymph circulation and increases the production of chemicals and hormones.  In short, massage helps the body to renew itself and reverse the effects of stress.  Massage and touch therapies can help manage back, neck and shoulder pain, support fatigue, osteoarthritis, cancer symptoms and fibromyalgia – and this list is not exhaustive.

      Let’s explore the benefits even further.  The first moments of a massage will involve a series of deep inhalations; controlled, deep breathing is one of the first strategies in stress relief, and anxiety management.  Those first few moments are signals to your mind and your body that it is a safe place to rest and recover. As you relax your nervous system goes into recovery mode as well and for those areas of pain and tension on the nerves from tight muscles, there is relief.  This in turn reduces the production of stress hormones and increases the presence of endorphins – you feel happier, you begin to feel better in yourself.  Your body and your mind rebalance, you will generally sleep well after a massage.  Hormones that regulate sleep/ wake cycle, menstrual cycles, immune cells, blood sugar and even your appetite will perform better as the body and the mind find much needed relaxation.

      As we are searching for much needed moments in our day from the stress and pressure of everyday life, this is one moment, one treatment in fact, that no should no longer be seen as an indulgent luxury but as a necessary element in our self care.

      For more information about our massage services please visit our massage page 

      Call reception on 01372 464659 or fill in the form below



        The Power Of Touch

        By Zoë Ross - Massage Therapist

        I sat on a train to Devon last Summer and listened intently to a podcast by the brilliant and enthusiastic Dr Chatterjee who welcomed discussion over the power of touch and how it is fast becoming a diminishing sense.

        I was reminded of this topic only yesterday when I called a patient (now friend) who has been self- isolating for over 6 weeks, he mentioned to me that he had not touched or been touched by anyone in that time, and how in a fleeting moment he felt saddened by this. He has a vast network of friendship groups who regularly ‘meet up’ via Zoom, and he has people willingly dropping food parcels and neighbours who check up on each other’s welfare, but it is not touch. It isn’t that instant sense of connection, or that soothing stroke, it isn’t the heartfelt warmth of a hug from a friend or partner, what we’re talking about here is a profound lack of positive touch.

        As a Body Therapist I am naturally tactile, I struggle not to hug people, stroke my dogs, hold the hands of my nephews or just place a hand on a friend’s back when they look like they need support. I like to touch, so why is it so taboo. Why do people fear it, why are we nervous about embrace? As children, we yearn for this touch and studies suggest babies who are cuddled often, have better growth rates and improved immune systems. We look at the chubby cheeks of a baby and their huge inquisitive eyes and we instinctively wish to reach out and touch (or pinch!) affectionately of course. It is natural human behaviour, but we have made it not so. Touch is a language. One we learn very quickly as a child, a vital form of non-verbal communication. A Parent’s touch enhances attachment, it can signify security, clapping hands together in a playful manner encourages play and makes babies giggle and a firm squeeze when crossing the road can help express potential danger.

        There are sadly too many times when we hear about the abuse of touch, the negative side to it, how it can used as a tool to make people feel fear, to immobilise them and bring about all sorts of mental and physical health concerns, impacting greatly on an individuals self-esteem, confidence in themselves and trust in others. This leaves people vulnerable and in a heightened state of stress.

        It is fundamental for touch to be consensual. The speaking out on this subject has empowered many who felt they had no voice, but in its wake, it has left this vital human sense clouded, almost like a dirty secret, the sordid world of touch. Ironically it is the one sense people seem to think they can do without but as the Psychologist Tony Robbins suggests ‘ there is no real substitute for touch’ Without sight, people turn to touch to feel their way through life, without sound, people use visual cues but without touch-what? Making touch consensual is crucial but eradicating it from our lives could ultimately be dangerous. It has a power to soothe, heal and promote wellbeing….and should outweigh our fear of it.

        Robbins also discusses a fascinating social experiment about how culturally touch is viewed very differently. A study in café’s around the world looked at physical interactions between people dining together, it gave a startling indicator as to the expectations of touch globally. In Puerto Rico for example, the average times people at a table touched was 200 per hour, in Paris this dropped to 40 times, again in New York just 5 times and sadly in London 0. Not once did the diners gathered (whether friends, family, colleagues) touch one another.

        There is no denying that the power of positive touch can be profound, as a Therapist I know this to be true, the unique connection between a Patient and Therapist is symbolic of how enhancing touch can be. As you physically feel tension release under your hands and a trust building between you and them, the body responds to touch, and as the skin is the largest organ at approx. 2 metres it is indeed the pathway to touch. Touch, among other things, can reduce stress, heart rate and blood pressure. We are wired to experience touch, it is not a design flaw that we respond so well to it, from birth until the day we die, our need for physical contact remains

        As we sit and re-evaluate many areas of our lives during this somewhat strange time, thought should certainly be given to touch, it’s power to heal, express emotion, and connect deeply with people. Think about the first friend or relative you long to hug and know that contact will reinforce your connection to one another and set off a wonderful dose of endorphins. It is like a daily dose of happy medicine! Do not shy away from connection, positive touch should be worked on and we should look to cultivate this once normality resumes. Do not underestimate that touch given positively and consensually, with true meaning, is a great gift.

        For more information about our massage services please visit our massage page 

        Call reception on 01372 464659 or fill in the form below



          Whiplash Injury

          What is Whiplash?

          By Helen Amembal - Registered Osteopath

          Neck pain caused by whiplash is very common. According to one leading insurer, it accounts for 76% of all bodily injury claims made in the UK.

          Whiplash is a neck injury caused by a sudden movement of the head forwards, backwards or sideways. Whiplash injuries need not be the result of car accidents only. It can be due to a sudden blow to the head – for example, during contact sports such as boxing or rugby, a slip or fall where the head is suddenly and violently jolted backwards or being struck on the head by a heavy or solid object

          How is whiplash caused?

          Normally the joints at the back of the neck glide over each other but a whiplash injury forces them together damaging the surrounding area containing nerves, muscles, ligaments and discs. The damage to the nerves can cause the most problems as they are very sensitive compared to the nerves in the rest of the body.

          The pain from a whiplash injury doesn’t always happen immediately after the accident. The body can compensate in the short term for injuries and often it is not until later that pain develops. The neck pain and stiffness is often worse on the day after the injury and may get worse for several days afterwards.

          Common symptoms of whiplash include:

          • neck pain, shoulder pain and stiffness
          • tenderness over the neck muscles
          • reduced and painful neck movements
          • headaches

          If you experience prolonged pain, you may find it difficult to carry out daily activities and enjoy your leisure time. It may also cause problems at work and could lead to anxiety and depression without treatment.

           How can you help your neck pain?

          Gone are the days of lying in bed for a week to rest your injury – GPs traditionally recommended rest for neck pain but the research now disproves that. In the beginning if your see a GP or an A&E Doctor they may give you a soft collar it may offer some relief but do not use it all day. If you become reliant upon your collar the muscles of the neck will be come weaker as their job is being performed by the collar.

          I always recommend that you move around gently and regularly (within your pain limit) which improves your recovery time and strengthens the damaged area. We also recommend that our patients at home use ice and heat to help the pain and also an over the counter pain relief medication for the first 24 hours if you know it is safe for you.

          If possible sleep with your spine in a straight line so make sure that pillow is not too high or that you are not using too many pillows. It is better to sleep on your back or on your side rather than on your front with your neck twisted to the side.

          To prevent the whiplash pain from worsening, review the things that aggravate it triggered it in the first place such as not exercising regularly, sitting for too long and using computers or driving.

          Getting the right advice and treatment is important for neck pain to resolve as quickly as possible but also important if you want to prevent it from coming back.

          A note about serious Injuries. Since some symptoms of neck pain are similar to those of more serious conditions, it’s important to get checked out by a medical professional. if in any doubt you should seek help immediately.

          How to ease your back and neck pain in 15 minutes

          By Helen Amembal - Registered Osteopath

          I am so impressed with the Mobiliser that I have bought one for my Clients to use at the Claygate Clinic. The Mobiliser is also used in Professional sports – the GB Cycling Team, Sir Steve Redgrave and Golfers such as Bernard Gallacher.

          Bernard wanted to tell his story to the Mobiliser manufacturers as it helped him to fight a career-threatening back injury:

          “In late 2004, just before I went out to commentate on the Ryder Cup, I experienced agony throughout my back. An MRI scan confirmed a prolapse [‘slipped disc’] at C5 [neck]. My Consultant said it was going to be a two year recovery period, which left my golfing career at great risk”

          “As luck would have it I found the Mobiliser. I was sceptical that it could help. My first experience of using it was very uncomfortable, [but] I’d been prewarned that it might hurt, so I persevered, and within two or three days of using it the Mobiliser no longer caused discomfort”

          “Within two weeks the difference in my whole body was obvious, and after a month, the pain was less and my flexibility was better than it had been for years.”

          “After four months I am back playing golf and I’ve begun to increase the intensity of the Mobiliser to seek further improvement. I’m looking forward to renewing my play on the Seniors’ tour later this year. I want to emphasise the sense of optimism that I have. The Mobiliser really helped the rehab from my prolapse and by combining this with [Therapists’] advice and a good Alexander teacher I am very optimistic of recovering more quickly. I feel all three are a permanent part of my regime to prevent a recurrence and to keep my back flexible”

          “I’ve become aware how golfers assume that increasing age means decreasing ability. Yet I’ve found out for myself that it is possible to restore spinal flexibility. I can strongly recommend the Mobiliser! Not only to any golfer who wants to recover from back injury, but to those who find their enjoyment of this great game is limited by not being able to rotate fully and freely.”

          You can book a free Mobiliser introduction session (including a postural assessment) at the Complementary Health Partnership on 01372 464659 /